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The early access is over!

The early access program for Fairers is officially over and we are excited to announce that we have received an amazing number of requests!

A public beta will open in the coming months, join the waiting list to try Farirers first!

Showcase your products or services in the first 3D CINEMATIC Experience 🥳

A few clicks create your 3D virtual event that anyone can join right on their desktop, tablet, or mobile web browser 🚀

Exhibitions and Expos

Trade Fairs and Shows

Conferences and Meetings

Events and Summits

Networking Events

Do you want to be the first to try it out?

Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity !

Mesmerizing virtual events without complex software or IT professionals 

Enjoying the experience without any trouble 

Fairer events can be viewed on our website or embedded into an existing site, your attendee can navigate it on both desktop and mobile devices like a regular website without the need to install plugins or apps.

No technical headaches or setup

Simply choose your pavilion, insert your content, and publish your Fairers event with one click. That's it. Our platform debunks the myth that a 3D metaverse is difficult to create and requires NASA computers to navigate.


A trade show or exhibition can be easily created in the Fairers metaverse with only one click thanks to back-end content management. Log in, upload content, personalize the pavillon, see a preview and go live in one click. A dashboard for analytics provides numbers and statistics.

Unlock the power of the metaverse events with Fairers

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